Realistically, plumbing is one the most significant aspect of any such building we either live-in or work in. It gets fresh water into our homes for drinking, cooking and cleaning purposes. Simultaneously, plumbing discards impure water as well, which is essential to maintain the safety and health of our homes. There are appliances, used by plumbers in plumbing systems — one of which is an air chamber.
Water hammer is a loud sound when you rapidly switch off a faucet or valve. When you suddenly turn it off, the water which was flowing fast in the pipes hits the closed valve with great force. Which produces a loud banging sound and can be very frightening! This banging can actually weaken your pipes over time and allow them to leak. When you have an air chamber in your plumbing, the air inside serves as a cushion. It sucks up that powerful force of swirling water and prevents it from smacking the valve as hard, thus eliminating the banging noise!
Constant Water Pressure — An air chamber can assist with maintaining continuous water pressure in your home. Why is that important, you ask? Because it prevents situations when someone else flushes the toilet while you are taking a shower (or washing dishes), and then water pressure drops - which can be very annoying and even make some tasks more difficult.
Protecting Your Appliances: Sudden changes in water pressure can a bit damage your appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, etc. With an air chamber in place, you can avoid these sudden shifts so your appliances last longer and function more efficiently.
Turn The Water Back On — Finally turn the water back on and test your system. For testing whether the air chamber is still functioning effectively, turn on the water, and then quickly shut it back off. If you hear a big bang, that is an indication the air chamber has failed and you will have to get a plumber out.
Mainly, there are two types of air-chamber; vertical and horizontal. Their difference is actually on the installation side. air filter filters can be either vertical or horizontal, with vertical air chambers patenting straight up and down manner while horizontal lying flat on its sides.
The choice on which type to use is really dependent on your plumbing, specifically where the valve for the water is located. Typically, vertical air chambers are installed near the water shut-off valve, and horizontal air chambers are installed nearest to the appliances that require the most protection against surges or spikes in water pressure.