Tip #1: Oil Filter Assembly The oil filter assembly is a crucial component for your car engine to function properly. Yes, it truly is! This little but very significant component aids your engine in keeping things working. Without it, your engine might not even work correctly at all. How the oil filter assembly worksDetailed Breakdown Paso 1 of 11Continue Reading BelowToggle Full-Screen ImageLet me break down the oil filter assembly.
The oil filter assembly is responsible for removing contaminants from the oil circulating through your vehicle's engine. It eliminates dust and all the bad things that can blend in the oil. Which in turn keeps the oil clean and performs better. In addition, clean oil keeps wear and tear down on the moving parts of the engine making it last longer. If oil gets dirty and thus can not fulfill its function, it needs to be replaced (which is why simple oil filters are so inefficient!).
However, choosing the best oil filter assembly for your car ideally requires some key considerations. Know your car make and model This should be the first thing you do. And that means knowing the marque (i.e. Ford or Honda) and style (Civic, Mustang, etc.). You must also be aware of the year in which your vehicle was produced, as well as engine size. With this information, you will be able to determine the correct oil filter assembly that fits perfectly to your car.
The next thing you want is a quality filter assembly. A good one will last longer and work better at protecting your engine. Quality oil filters can trap far more dirt and contaminants, leaving your engine free of one more type of gunk. Finally, select an oil filter assembly that is compatible with your car oil type. Checking this out is very important as some filters can do their job only when a specific kind of oil is used.
The oil filter assembly may consist of one or more parts, and each part serves a different yet very specific purpose. The heart of these devices is the filter element. This section cleans the oil and collects dirt along with other harmful contaminants that need to be removed. Typically, the filter element is composed of specific materials such as synthetic fibers or cellulose. These are highly effective at capturing the contaminants and preventing them from making their way into the engine oil that gets pumped through your motor!
The oil filter with the bypass valve (another component of the oil filter assembly). This valve assists the oil in continuing its journey if it ever reaches a clogged filter that has failed. If the oil can get through, then the engine may not be fed enough oil and this is a problem. An anti-drainback valve is integrated into the oil filter assembly as well. This section prevents oil from returning to the oil pan when the engine is closed down. This is so that the oil stays primed when you go back to start the car.
Once you have removed the old oil filter, it is always a good idea to clean up where the oil filter fits. That helps ensure the new oil filter they are going to be installing can properly be placed. When its clean, you can install the new oil filter assembly. However, avoid making it too tight and tighten on the right level. Lastly, add the correct amount of oil in to the engine according to the spec for your vehicle. When all is in place, run the engine and observe for leaks around the oil filter. So, if everything looks fine, you are ready to ride on now!